
My first child, Rodger Derrick, was born on June 29th, 2012. Pretty much ever since I found out my wife was pregnant, I’ve been wondering how to teach him about life. Then I remembered a story about my friend. Back in the early nineties, his father used Jurassic Park to introduce the topic of the birds and the bees with him. And so the answer to my problem became obvious: I would teach Rodger about life through movies (and television and games). After all, my friend knows where babies come from, so clearly this method works.

Rodger will have likely never seen or played most of the shows, movies, or games that I write about here. And I know not everything in entertainment has a life lesson. I'll be reaching, early and often. I just hope that if Rodger (and any future kids that my wife and I might have) ever comes across this blog, he’ll have learned a thing or two by the time he leaves it.


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